A. Farrosy
Globalization as a phenomenon experienced by the entire nation has resulted in many changes in all aspects of life: social, economic, political and cultural. Era of globalization described as an era where the world is no longer limited by space and time, because it has been integrated by a global system (global system). By using the all-powerful communication, human interaction built so successfully and easily so that the relationships become impersonal. The world had folded into the Global Village. People no longer have to meet face to face in meeting their needs, but by using communication tools, he can discuss and express their passion and desire (desire and wants).
In this context we may be legitimate to question how far the effectiveness of technological advances that marked the era of globalization, especially in the economic field. And how globalization in the economic field are able to create a culture of consumption (consumption culture). Two issues will be discussed in the following text.
The development of a nation can not be separated from economic growth in it. This is important for economic growth (economic growth) is often a measure of the prosperity of a nation. Economic actions undertaken by people not be separated from culture, motivation and values. Even religion is often the determinant factors that determine the pattern of economic action. Therefore, Max Weber, after doing in-depth study of Protestant Christianity in relation to the economy, he concluded that the teaching of the Protestant sect of Calvinists have a role in encouraging the creation of community. This is what inspired him to write a book entitled "The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism".
Talking about economic action can not be removed from the calculation of profit (profit calculation), which embeded in trade or economic practices. There are two common patterns of actions carried out by economic actors. The first, is the action that is subsistence economy. In this pattern only person able to meet the need of life (survive), is communal and not profit oriented. The second, is the act of a market-oriented economy, (market oriented) that is characterized by a tendency to market expansion, profite oriented, capital accumulation, and individuals are rational.
Market is the most important institutions in economic activity. It’s able to move the market dynamics of economic life in which the bargaining process, both directly and not to determine the price of certain (fixed cost). As the meeting of buyers and sellers, the market can play its function as price controls, so that prices do not fluctuate sharply. This price stability is actually of benefit to the economic actors.
With the advance of society in various fields, the market had also experienced a shift in both the functions and operations (mode of operation). In the traditional sense, the market interpreted as a buy-sell more characterized as economic activity daily (daily-economic activity). However, this function has undergone expansion, in an era where the market today also serves as a center of recreation and leisure. The visitors who come not merely to shop, but many are looking for entertainment and eliminate stes.
This very common phenomenon we see in many big cities like
Transaction model also experienced a shift, where between the seller and the buyer does not have to meet in person, but they are able to do it in a long distance by using services such as telephone technology. Even now developed a model of transactions via internet, which is very possible for economic actors to make transactions quickly. This is what came to be called as a virtual marketplace (virtual market). In the theory of neo-classical economics, the way buying and selling goods via the internet is an effective system, fast and productive, because transaction costs would be reduced and relatively cheaper.
In the expansion, the producers must look sharply market needs. Market needs (consumer) is strongly influenced by the culture and values . In economic practice, the more astute producers in the desire to fool the market, by creating image and taste that consumers are interested and want to buy goods production.
This condition created through engineering as the market wants more patterned ways of thinking and lifestyle of consumers. Concrete example: a male and a beautiful image has been so wonderful being manipulated by the producers by way of offering certain products (such as cigarettes, special medicine men, cosmetics, and drugs for women) through media advertising. As Andre Warnich that in an increasingly capitalistic society, which penetrated into the commodities sectors that life never before imagined, cultural promotion (promotion culture) is something that can not be ruled out.
The most important agent of culture is a mass media campaign, print and electronic, especially through the advertisement or advertisements. Ads serve as a media interaction mediates between producers and consumers. With all advertising, marketing groups interpret and socialize commodities to the value of a commodity and project it into the global market. That's why advertising is an important part for marketing and strategic commodities.
We see that the market mechanism run by the producers able through the media that is easily accessible by consumers. Television is the most effective media to promote a product to prospective buyers. Impressions of repeated commercials featuring well-known public figure who is expected to stimulate the emotions the audience or prospective purchasers to buy it. Here, there is hope of creating a symbolic interaction as potential buyers try to translate the symbols or messages offered by advertising stars, and then he tried to "become" like a star idolized ads. In these circumstances, buyers (consumers) as if hypnotized, and no more intelligent in choosing the quality of goods and measures of purchasing power.
Moreover, with changing lifestyles, has encouraged more manufacturers to promote their products more intensively through various media to provide various facilities such as security guarantees, payment system using credit card, providing an attractive bonuses, payments systems and other security easier. As a result many consumers who buy goods not solely driven by the need (need), but simply to satisfy the desire (desire) to elevate the status.
Here it is clear that consumer demand for goods no longer are natural-as the fulfillment of needs that had to be there, but had shifted to the construction of cultural (culturally constructed) are engineered by the market (producer)
Finally, by using the three characters presented by Feather-stone, it can be understood that the offer of pleassure dreams and status yang tinggi (high status), has successfully led consumers to spend money and time (money westing and time) to fulfill his lifestyle . And this phenomenon can be read by the producers.